The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Protein Galaxy 2015

Wen Jiang

Wen JiangDr. Wen Jiang completed his undergraduate degree in Physics at Peking University, and his master's degree in Biophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences – Institute of Biophysics. Dr. Jiang then went to the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, where he pursued his doctoral and his postdoctoral training in cryo-EM studies of viruses in the lab of Dr. Wah Chiu. Dr. Jiang's research focuses on the use of cryo-EM to study the assembly, maturation, and infection mechanism of viruses including dsDNA tailed bacteriophages and enveloped flaviviruses. His lab is also involved in the development of cryo-EM technical advancements, including image processing algorithms, high performance computing, data collection automation and reliable sample freezing, towards near atomic resolution single particle 3-D reconstructions and high resolution tomographic 3-D reconstructions.