The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Protein Galaxy 2015

Jason Lanman

Jason Lanman Dr. Jason Lanman completed his undergraduate degree at Pacific Lutheran University in Washington before heading east to the University of Alabama at Birmingham to pursue his PhD in Microbiology with Professor Peter E. Prevelige, where he used mass spectrometry to image subunit interactions of viral proteins. Dr. Lanman went back west for his postdoctoral work with Dr. Jack Johnson at The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego. Dr. Lanman's research makes use of newly developed methods in electron microscope tomography to reconstruct three-dimensional images of cells. The images can be used to determine the spatial position of these components at molecular resolution and will allow the visualization of key viral processes such as virus entry, viral genome packaging and virus assembly. Outside of the lab, Dr. Lanman loves long-distance running and rock-climbing; he once circled Mount Rainier in only 3 days (the average time is 10-14 days). He is also a Seahawks fan, so don't ask him about the ending of Super Bowl 49.