The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Protein Galaxy 2015


This symposium would not be possible without guidance and encouragement from Purdue University faculty members and the generous support of our sponsors.

We would like to thank Dr. William Cramer, Dr. Alan Friedman, Dr. Richard Kuhn (Department Head, Biological Sciences), Dr. Andrew Mesecar, Dr. Nicholas Noinaj, and Dr. Cynthia Stauffacher for their advice, guidance, and support during the planning of the symposium.

We would also like to thank Dr. Clint Chapple (Department Head, Biochemistry), Dr. Val J. Watts (Interim Department Head, MCMP) and Dr. Timothy S. Zwier (Department Head, Chemistry) for their support and commitment to the symposium.

We are very grateful to Jay Mermoud, the Lab Manager of the Protein Production lab and the Stauffacher group, for his tremendous help in securing support from corporate donors; and Cathy Skidmore, the Business Manager of the MCMP department, for her assistance in managing the various funding sources and accounts.

We thank the following Purdue academic departments for their immeasurable contributions:

The Department of Biochemistry

The Department of Biological Sciences

The Department of Chemistry

The Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

The Purdue Center for Cancer Research

The Department of Physics

The Graduate School – Office of Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs

We would also like for to thank for their generous sponsorship the following organizations and corporate donors:
