HG2BG will be an in-person symposium. Please contact us via our symposium email (hitchhikersguide2biogal@gmail.com) for any questions.


We are excited to announce that the "Best Practices for Figure Preparation" workshop has been recognized as meeting the requirements for field-specific Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). If you are a graduate student at Purdue and participate in that workshop, then you can update your field-specific training record here (by clicking on the "My RCR Training" tab at the top of that page) or by sending an email notification to the RCR team via email: RCRTraining@purdue.edu.
Workshop Locations:
Best Practices for Figure Preparation: (ARMS B061)

Computational Protein, DNA/RNA Structure Modeling for cryo-EM: (ARMS 1109)

Mastering Your Aim: Foundations of Effective Grant Writing: (ARMS 1103)

An Introduction to 3D Molecular Movies: From PyMOL & Chimera/X to Blender: (ARMS B071)